Saturday, September 13, 2008

pardon my last post! i posted too late . what i said was i am still having trouble with my lower leg (tibia) wich WONT HEAL!!!!!!!!!) im going for a bond scan on tues. to fugure out what is wrong with it! i am cycling a lot as well as swimming. some workouts are:


1000m wp
3X 400m on 5min, 3x100 on 1:15 and 4x50 on :40 with 100ez


1000 wp
30x75 pull on 1:00

good lactate threshold workouts!|

cycling is ok with a few long rides, nothing long yet. its off season and im not sure about my leg yet.

Hope everyone in sydenham is great as well as all of my former swim students STILL swimming!!!!!! haha. keep it up boys and girls if you want to race fast!. good luck and thank you Sydenham!


drian etc. i midd it and sydenham. ill be back though before australia to train!!!! yes!