Thursday, April 23, 2009


so im done. Finally. great feeling but it hasent hit me yet. it will when i receive my diploma when i get back from Hawai'i. training has been slow for the past 2 weeks due to exams and reports etc. now i can lay down the hammer! off to Hawai'i on Monday. I will be doing the Honolulu triathlon on May 16th. Im going to do the Olympic distance and suffer through it and see what minimal training can do! I will be training like a maniac out there so ill be super fit in June! Now im off for an hour bike and an hour run. get back into shape!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Training, training, training........

School is finally almost over....FOREVER! I have my last 2 exams on the 17th and 18th of April and then i will finally get my undergrad Degree! Then its Game time. Serious training to get ready for the season ahead. I will be off to the Island of O'ahu to train for a month. Lots of time to get in some killer workouts and enjoy the sights! I Cannot wait. Training is goig well, despite interruptions from work and school and others. I can now focus on training and getting myself in amazing shape!

Had a great bike last night, a bit sore today but recovering well
tonight i am doing a run. some intervals and a nice cooldown. everything will soon come together!